
New York Times-The already crazed competition for admission to the nation’s most famous universities and colleges became even more intense (激烈的) this year, with many recording the lowest acceptance rates.        Harvard College, for example, offered admission to only 7.1 percent of the 27,462 high school seniors who applied — or, put another way, it rejected 93 of every 100 applicants, many with extraordinary achievements, like a perfect score on one of the SAT exams.Yale College accepted 8.3 percent of its 22,813 applicants.Both rates were records.       8.拿破仑说“我真正的光荣并非是打了四十多次胜仗,滑铁卢之战抹去了这一切美好的记忆。但有一样东西是不会被人们忘却的,它将永垂不朽……”这里的“有一样东西”是(  )A.《权利法案》B.《民法典》C.《共.产.党宣言》D.《人权宣言》
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