
青春期出现的正常生理现象中,不包括下列哪一项(   )A.身高、体重突增              B.内脏功能增强,趋于完善C.饮食和作息没有规律          D.出现难以启齿的生理现象和心理矛盾  答案:C解析:略 Listen and choose. 听录音,选出所听到的内容相符的句子。 (_____) 1. A. I swam every weekend and took a lot of pictures.B. I went swimming last weekend.C. We went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures.(_____) 2. A. My family and I lived in Sanya.B. My family and I lived in America.C. My friend and I went to Sanya.(_____) 3. A. Where did they go last Saturday?B. Where did you go last Sunday?C. When did you go there?(_____) 4. A. How did we go there?B. How did you go there?C. How do you go there?(_____) 5. A. They went fishing.B. They are fishing.C. She went fishing.
生物 试题推荐