
情景对话  Kitty:  I hear Mr. Wu told you to organize a charity show. When is it?  Sandy: It will be on next Sunday. Come and help me. I hope our charity show will be a success. I’m nervous ____1____  Kitty:  I’ll phone my cousin, Ricky. He can help us ____2____.  Sandy: ____3____. I hope he’s not too busy.  Kitty:  Don’t worry. His show is over ____4____. I’m sure he’d like to help.  Sandy: I wish ____5____.  Kitty:  I wish we could have a lot of pop stars in the show.A. we could have our show at a big theatre        B. That’s a good ideaC. so he ahs lots of读下面这首唐诗,完成下面小题送李端卢纶故关衰草遍,离别自堪悲。路出寒云外,人归暮雪时。少孤为客早,多难识君迟。掩泪空相向,风尘何处期?[注]李端:作者友人。与作者同属“大历十才子”。故关:故乡。风尘:指社会动乱。【1】下列对本诗的理解,不正确的一项是( )A.“离别自堪悲”这一句看起来平直、刻露,但应接自然,并不给人以平淡之感,相反倒是为此诗定下了雄浑壮阔的基调。B.颔联写送别情景,情藏景中。“寒云 ”二字,下笔沉重,给人以无限阴冷和压重的感觉,为别离的心境起到了有力的烘托作用。C.“风尘何处期”,将笔锋转向预卜未来,写出了感情上的余波。这样作结,直率而又有回味。D.全诗以“悲”流贯,句句紧扣主题,抒情多于写景,写得情真意切,哀婉动人,读之给人以悲凉回荡之感。【2】尾联中的“泪”中包含了哪些情感?请简要分析。
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