
   There is one thing that everyone wants more than anything else.___22. They think that when they have enough money to buy such things as houses,farms,and cars,they will have the thing that everyone wants.     Other people believe that if they know enough they will find this thing. 23___. Still others think that if they have power,they will find this thing.Some people keep telling themselves:“When I'm a boss,I will no longer have to search for this thing.”     What is it that everyone wants more than anything else? What is it that all of us keep working 根据下列装置图,回答有关问题: (1)图中标号仪器的名称:①      ,②           。 (2)实验室用高锰酸钾制取氧气的化学反应方程式是          ;应选择的制取装置是  或  。 (3)实验室制取二氧化碳的化学反应方程式是          ;验满方法是                     ; (4)C和B装置相比,优点是                                                          。
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