
Two weeks before Christmas one year, I went to London with my   1  . I shall never forget the day. The streets were full of people. The shop windows were very bright. My mother held my hand and we both went into a 2   shop. The shop was full of   3  . There were nice toys   4  . Then I saw Father Christmas himself! I pulled my mother by   5  . “Please   6   me to Father Christmas,” I said. There were a lot of children near 7  . They were standing   8  . Father Christmas spoke to every one of them. At last it was my   9  . “Hello, little Tom,” he said t已知函数f(x)=lnx.(1)求函数g(x)=f(x+1)-x的最大值;(2)若对任意x>0,不等式f(x)≤ax≤x2+1恒成立,求实数a的取值范围;(3)若x1>x2>0,求证:f(x1)-f(x2)x1-x2>2x2x21+x22.
英语 试题推荐