
下面各句中,加点的成语使用正确的一项是(    )  A.近来,一些不法分子漠不关心孩子的生命,残忍地制造了一系列校园血案,引起全社会的无比愤慨与理性反思。 B.国庆假日是人们休闲的大好机会,那段时间里,我市步行街上到处都是游玩购物的人,直到深夜,大街上还是不绝如缕,热闹极了。  C.也有人想起,曾几何时,连肖邦的音乐也成了违禁品!只能偷偷摸摸地在一些小房间、小客厅里秘密演奏,只有寥寥无几的人才能进入那些房(Reuters)--- A Michigan man credited his dog with saving his life by chewing off his diseased big toe as he lay passed out in a drunken stupor(昏迷)Jerry Douthett, 48, who woke up on a Saturday night in late July in his Rockford, Michigan home to find his Jack Russell Terrier, Kiko, had gnawed off his right big toe.“The dog always lies with me on the bed”, said Douthett. “That night, I woke up and looked down at my foot, and it was wet. When I looked, it was blood and there was the dog looking at me with a blood moustache.”Douthett’s wife, Rosee, rushed him to a hospital where doctors found he was suffering from Type 2 diabetes. His toe was badly infected and surgeons amputated(截)the remainder of the toe. Douthett’s wife, a registered nurse, had been urging him for weeks to have his infected toe examined by a doctor.On the night Kiko ate his toe, Douthett said he had been out with his wife and drank about six or seven beers and a pair of giant margaritas—big enough to put goldfish in.“I was self-medicating at this point,” he said. “The moral of the story is that the dog saved my life, because otherwise I would never have gone to see a doctor.”The couple said they were amazed that Kiko appeared to know Douthett had an infection that needed treatment.“He kind of chewed off the infected part and stopped at the good bone,” said Rosee. “We joked that we shouldn’t have had to pay the co-pay because he did half the job by chewing off half of the toe.”【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “gnawed off” probably mean?A.bit awayB.cared forC.sucked onD.smelt out【小题2】It can be learned from the text that________________.A.Douthett’s wife was a doctorB.Douthett’s wife felt something about his diseaseC.Douthett never got that drunkD.Douthett had seen a doctor for his disease【小题3】From the text we know that Kiko ______________.A.is in top physical conditionB.was trained at an early age C.nearly cost Douthett his lifeD.saved his master’s life【小题4】Which is NOT true according to the text?A.It is hard for the couple to explain the dog’s behaviourB.Jerry Douthett went to see a doctor because of Kiko’s chewing his big toe..C.The couple shouldn’t have to pay the co-pay because Kiko did half the job.D.Kiko didn’t hurt the good bone of its master.
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