
Great white sharks! Just hearing that name makes many people’s hair stand on end. In reality, these big fish have more to fear from us than we do from them. For many years, people killed countless great white sharks in the waters around the United States. But thanks to conservation (保护) efforts, great whites are making a comeback in the U.S. Two recent studies show that the population of these sharks is rising along the east and west coast. Why is the growing population of a killer fish something to celebrate? “When you fish too many of them, you start to lose balance in the env下列各句中的划线词语使用恰当的一项是( )A. 车在路上走,人在画中行,一路美景令我们心旷神怡,流连忘返。B. 李明兴冲冲跑回教室向同学们报告:“这次物理考试,大家的成绩都很好,不及格的只是凤毛麟角。”C. 200多年来,世界各国数以万计的探险家不畏冰山阻挡,不畏风暴严寒,前仆后继地奔赴南极,进行科学考察。D. 站在山顶四处眺望,只见经过退耕还林的山区风景秀丽,草木葱茏,进退维谷。
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