
读“四种气候类型图”,完成下列各题8.上述四种气候类型中,是热带季风气候的                                (     )    A.①               B.②             C.③            D.④ 9.图④气候的特征是                                                   (     ) A.全年高温,分旱、雨两季             B.全年高温多雨 C.冬季寒冷干燥,夏季高温多雨         D.夏 decide,alone,lonely,in,can but,easy, stay,sorry,if,cry,though A man was really worried about his son,,who was sixteen years old but had no courage at all.So the father____1.__ to ask a wise man to train his child.The wise man said to the boy’s father,”You should leave your son___2.___here.I will make him into a real man__3.______ three months.However, you can’t come to see him during this period”.Three months later the boy’s father returned.The wise man had a boxing match for his son.The father hoped his son__4.______ win the match.Each time the fighter hit the boy,he fell down,___ 5.___ at once the boy stood up,and each time a punch(击打)knocked him down again,the boy stood up again.Several times later the wise man asked,”What do you think of your child?’What a shame!”the boy’s father said, “I never thought he would be so___6.___knocked down.He needn’t___7.____here any longer.”“I’m so___8._that this all you see.Don’t you see that each time he falls down,he stands up again instead of____9.___? That’s the kind of courage you want him to have.”__10.____each time you are knocked down,you’ll have the courage to stand up again,that’s the real courage. 
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