
判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示 I am an e-mail user. When I first started to use the e-mail system I used to read all my e-mail. I didn’t have much mail. I was very excited about receiving any e-mail. I gave my friends my e-mail address. Soon I had more mail than I wanted. Some of the mail was junk mail (垃圾邮件). I was worried. I didn’t want my mail to control me. I’ve tried some methods to help me get control of my mail. First, I check my mail at the same time every day. Also I try to allow myself only 15下列古遗址与所在国家连接正确的是(  )  A.泰姬陵——印尼   B.吴哥窟——泰国C.特洛伊——土耳其D.金字塔——埃塞俄比亚
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