
One day Tony was crossing the road when he was hit a car. He fell and broke his arm.     He was sent to a hospital. There a doctor operated on his arm. Then he put the arm in a cast(石膏). Tony could not move it at all. “You must keep your arm in a cast for a month.” The doctor said, “That will give the bone(骨头) a chance to get well”. A moment later, Tony went back to the hospital. The doctor used a large knife to cut the cast. Then he took Tony’s arm out of the cast. “Can you move your arm, Tony?” he asked. Tony tried to move his arm. At last it was difficult读地球仪所表示的东半球经纬网示意图,回答下列各题。(1)仔细观察,你发现地球仪上没有表示出来的是( )A.赤道B.地球公转轴C.极点D.经线和纬线(2)关于图中各点经纬度的判断,正确的是( )A.a(20°N,25°E)B.b(20°N,55°W)C.c(60°S,100°E)D.d(40°S,120°E)(3)关于图中各数字含义的判断,正确的是( )A.①表示纬线B.③表示南极点C.⑤表示地轴D.⑦表示北极圈(4)各数字中均能够表示纬线的是( )A.①②③④B.②⑥⑧⑨C.①③④⑨D.②③⑤⑩(5)图中包含的经线圈是( )A.0°和180°经线圈B.20°E和160°W经线圈C.30°E和150°W纬线圈D.20°W和160°E经线圈(6)关于图中各点方向的判断,正确的是( )A.a点在d点的东北方向B.b点在a点的东南方向C.c点在a点的西南方向D.d点在b点的西北方向(7)图中a、b、c、d四个地点,能看到阳光直射现象的有( )A.a、b两地B.a、d两地C.b、c两地D.c、d两地
英语 试题推荐