
Like many other teenagers, you may feel stressed at school. Of course, school stress is not only caused by classes, homework, papers to write, and problems to solve. It is also caused by the heavy work of keeping up with friends, keeping up with life, keeping the parents happy, and the hard task of simply being young and trying to find out what you are going to do in the future. So it may be the best time in your life, but it is also one of the worst. Luckily, there are some things you can do in order to deal with your stress at school. For example, you can prioritize(确定……的如图甲所示,用n条相同材料制成的橡皮条彼此平行地沿水平方向拉一质量为m的物块.改变橡皮条条数进行多次实验,保证每次橡皮条的伸长量均相同,则物块的加速度a与所用橡皮条的数目n的关系如图乙所示.若更换物块所在水平面的材料,再重复做这个实验,则图乙中直线与水平轴线间的夹角将(  )A.增大B.不变C.减小D.先增大后减小
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