
选出下列各项中字形有误的一项( ) A星罗棋布篷筚生辉 沤心沥血 奴颜卑膝 B兴师动众 兴致勃勃 形同虚设 形形色色 C形影不离 行尸走肉 幸灾乐祸 凶多吉少 D凶神恶煞 凶相毕露 胸无大志 胸有成竹 答案:A 解析: 篷筚生辉(蓬) 沤心沥血(呕) 奴颜卑膝(婢)When we talk to someone face to face, we try to be polite to them. We believe nicely and are careful not to hurt their feelings. Sometimes when we are on the Internet, we forget that we are also dealing with real people. Did you know there is also a polite way to behave on the Internet? It’s called Netiquette. Here are some examples: When you type, do not use all big letters. For example, “HELLO, HOW ARE YOU?” looks like you’re shouting. It’s better to write the sentence, “Hello, how are you?” In a chat room, it’s polite to say hello to other people when you enter. Before you leave the room, you should say goodbye. If you don’t, people may think you’re rude. If you make a joke, remember to tell people. You can also typeJ or :p. we can use symbols to express many different emotions. On the Internet, we don’t usually see people’s faces. So, we type things to show our feelings. It’s sometimes important to do so, or other people may misunderstand us. If you belong to an Internet community, try to follow these simple rules of Netiquette. They help make the Internet a nicer place. 36. What’s the main idea of the passage? A. The Internet is full of rude people.  B. The Internet and the real world are very different. C. It’s important to behave well on the Internet.  D. Typing using all big letters is rude. 37. The article suggests we should treat people on the Net _______? A. worse than we do in person   B. like strangers   C. like friends  D. as politely as in person 38. When you enter a chatroom, you should ______. A. say hi to everyone  B. keep silent  C. type in big letters  D. tell people what you look like 39. Why should we use symbols like J and :p? A. To show people how we feel.      B. To hide our feelings. C. To make people misunderstand us.  D. To say hello and goodbye to people. 40. Which is an example of good Netiquette? A. I like my idea better than yours.   B. You guys are all stupid! C. I HAD A TERRIBLE DAY.       D. I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.;)
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