
根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。选项中有一项是多余选项。  (Zhang Ming is from a poor village in China. He has an eye problem. He is now talking to a doctor of the Flying Eye Hospital.) Doctor: Good morning, young man! What’s your name,                               please! Zhang: My name’s Zhang Ming. I’m twelve years old now. I come here to see my eyes. By the way,1 _________________ Doctor: We doctors in this hospital fly to different poor places. People with eye problems can come to us. Zhang: 2_______________5.小明的身高是1.4米,他的影子长是2.6米.如果同一时间,同一地点测得一棵树的影子长是7米,这棵树有多高?(保留两位小数)
英语 试题推荐