
基础语言知识;根据所给提示及句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子完整正确。 1.__________ (地理) can help us know much about the weather and the area of China. 2. There are no __________ (原因) for you not to do your homework. 3.What ________ (别的)would you like to buy?. 4.We do after-school _________ (活动) in the afternoon after class. 5. Do the girls have _________ (舞蹈) lessons in Zhenjiang Chongshi Girls’ School every week? 下列各组词语中加粗字的读音,完全正确的一组是 [     ] A.翰墨(hàn) 水浒(hǔ) 巷道(xiàng) 干涸(hé) B.哈达(hǎ) 弹劾(hé) 内讧(hàng) 怙恶(hù) C.教诲(huǐ) 呵欠(hē) 徘徊(huái) 皓月(hào) D.豁口(huō) 恫吓(xià) 负荷(hè) 豢养(huàn)
英语 试题推荐