
阅读下文,完成文后各题。 神秘的战栗 刘克敌 ①公元前514年,一位伟大的波斯皇帝大流士一世率领百万大军西征希腊。当他登高远眺,看到自己的部队正在踏桥西渡时,突然萌生出一丝悲凉:如此生龙活虎之战士纵然不牺牲于战场,数十年后也必然化为尘埃。他思来想去,悲从心来,禁不住潸然泪下。可以想见,这位伟大帝王的内心深处,那一刻一定有神秘的战栗掠过—— 这该是灵魂的洗礼、良知的发现,更是对造化的敬畏、对人生的慨叹。在那The whole class went to the zoo for a field trip. The next day, the teacher asked the children to write a report(报告)about what they learned. Read the two reports below. The first report is from Ryan. I learned about the giant tortoise(龟). It was so big that the guide let us sit on its back. Some tortoises live to be over 100 years old! That’s older than my grandpa!The slowest-moving mammal is the three-toed sloth(树懒). It hangs from the trees and eats fruit. Some sloths sleep more than 20 hours a day. What a lazy animal! I thought the albino alligator(钝吻鳄)was really cool. It wasn’t green. It was completely white all over. It was born that way. The second report is from Jessica. The tallest animal on earth is the giraffe. It eats leaves from the tops of the trees. Giraffes come from Africa. I learned about an albino alligator. It was white instead of green. The guide told us that it was born without the coloring of other alligators. I saw an owl(猫头鹰)sleeping in a tree. Owls sleep in the daytime and hunt at night. When they sleep, they don’t fall out of the tree because they have sharp claws(爪子)that lock onto the branch.1.Which animals live on the trees?A. Giraffes and three-toed sloths. B. Albino alligators and giant tortoises.C. Owls and albino alligators. D. Owls and three-toed sloths.2.According to the reports, which of the following statements is the truth?A. Giraffes come from North America and China.B. Owls sometimes fall out of the tree when they sleep.C. Some three-toed sloths sleep more than 20 hours a day.D. Only old albino alligators are completely white all over.
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