
“红豆生南国,春来发几枝,愿君多采撷,此物最相思”。生于南国的红豆集团有限公司是我国著名的民营企业,红豆品牌已成为中国驰名商标。据此回答1~2题。 1.作为闻名遐迩的民营企业,红豆集团有着严密的组织形式和完善的组织结构,你认为下列选项属于红豆集团有限公司最高决策机构的是( ) A.股东大会      B.董事会      C.总经理      D.监事会 2.多年来,红豆坚持“顾客至上,质量至上,诚信至上”的原则创立民族品牌,保阅读理解In August 2040, People in Garden city are buying their homes and cars on the Internet from QuickBuy.com. Here is the website.(1)Which of the following is the best for the blank (空格) in Paragraph2?A.It is also smart.B.It is also common.C.It is also quiet.D.It is also beautiful.(2)What can we do in the CJ3 according to the passage?① get information about the weather② order the food③ book a restaurant④ see all the traffic in front of us ⑤ know where we areA.①②③⑤B.①②④⑤C.①③④⑤D.②③④⑤(3)Which word can we use to describe both the house and the car?A.Large.B.Green.C.Cheap.D.Small.
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