
阅读下面的文字,完成问题。 人类文明与宗教 詹克明 从文明发展史来看,倘若追溯到史前时代,人类精神文明的“元胎”原本就是宗教。它囊括一切,包容一切,将今天已经分门别类的所有文明品种之萌芽全部融成一体综合其中。在当时,科学、哲学、医学、天文、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、绘画、雕塑、伦理、法律……全都总揽于原始宗教之中。古老的世界三大宗教以及我国各少数民族的宗教史诗中都涉及到天地起源、万物起源、人类起源这类科学的根Do you dream to be a superman? Do you dream to have super-human strength (力量)?The book “What Makes You a Super Hero”, written by Danika Gordon, tells us that everyone has his or her own super power: to be kind and help others. “There are lots of little stories in the book.” said Danika.Danika Gordon is a 14-year old girl from South Dakota, the US. Both at school and in her community, she is always helping others. She finds joy in being kind and calls on others to do it.Gordon’s idea came from her own experience when she was 8 years old. At that time, Gordon was always bullied (被欺负) at primary school. But she never lost hope. From then on, Gordon began to help some students with their lessons. She believes that when students are bullied, they should get help from teachers, and not think about revenge. That only makes things worse. Kindness is the strongest power.【1】How does Gordon let us know that everyone of us has super strength?A. By speaking knowledge.B. By telling stories.C. By introducing herself.D. By explaining her point.【2】What can we know about Gordon from the passage?A. She is a little girl from the UK.B. She never lost hope of life.C. She dreamed to be a superman.D. She studies very hard.【3】What does the word “That” refer to?A. Get help from teachers.B. Students are bullied.C. Be kind to others.D. Revenge.【4】What is the best title of this passage?A. Everyone is a superman.B. Kindness makes you strong.C. We should help others.D. The book “What Makes You a Super Hero”.【5】From the passage, we can know that super-human strength is ______.A. love B. smile C. bravery D. kindness
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