
下列句子中,没有语病的一句是  (    ) A.地震发生后,当大批子弟兵前往救援的同时,许多专业心理救助人员也赶赴灾区,帮助灾 民恢复地震造成的心理创伤。 B.中航发动机公司主要致力于大型客机发动机的研制,它的成立标志着我国大型飞机配套产业的发展又迈出了可喜的一步。 C.普达措国家公园是一座占地1243平方英里、由众多的山雨湖组成的、包括红熊在内的近100种濒危物种的栖息地。 D.为改善医疗资源配置不平衡的状态,未来3年里任务型阅读       Hello! I'm Jim.  I have a good friend.  His name is Tony.  He is thirteen years old.  Tony is English.He is in Class 8, Grade 7. Tony likes spors. He has a great sports collection. He has five baseballs and ten basketballs.  He has no soccer ball because he doesn't like soccer. Tony likes Chinese basketball player YaoMing. Tony's birthday is September 12th, and Yao Ming's birthday is September 12th, too.       Oh, today is September 12th. It's Tony's birthday. His Chinese teacher has a birthday party for him at school. I have only 16 dollars. I buy a pencil case and a red T-shirt for him. The pencil case is three dollars. The red T-shirt is thirteen dollars. Tony likes them very much. Where is Tony? Ha, ha!He is putting on(穿) the red T-shirt there.1. ________is my good friend.2. Tony has a great _________ collection.3. Tony's birthday is________ ________.4. I buy a ________  ________and a ________ ________for him.5. Does Tony like my present?________,________ ________.         
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