
阅读下面的宋词,完成后面的1至3题。 西江月黄陵庙(又题阻风三峰下) 张孝祥① 满载一船秋色,平铺十里湖光。波神②留我看斜阳,唤起鳞鳞细浪。 明日风回更好,今宵露宿何妨?水晶宫里奏《霓裳》,准拟③岳阳楼上。 注:①张孝祥:南宋初词人。这首词,因船行洞庭湖畔黄陵庙下为风浪所阻而作。作者与友人信中提到:“某离长沙且十日,尚在黄陵庙下,波臣风伯亦善戏矣。”②波神:水神。 ③准拟:准定。 1.下列对词中语句的理解,不These days many people are interested in losing weight. It is very popular among people, especially young people. Everybody hopes to become thin quickly. Some people even take medicine. Do you know how tocontrolweight? Well… diet and exercise are the right answers. Please read and remember the following tips.Tip 1 You should eat only when you are hungry. Don’t eat if you don’t feel hungry.Tip 2 You should eat only food that is good for your health. Don’t eat junk food such as hamburgers and French fries.Tip 3 It is better to prepare your own food instead of eating out. When you eat out, you may eat too much. That can make you become fatter.Tip 4 Don’t forget to think about changing your lifestyle. For example, turn off the TV and the computer and take some exercise every day.Remember not to be too strict with yourself. Give yourself some free time to find the best way to control your weight.1.____ are more interested in losing weight.A. Children B. Young people C. Old people D. Women2.The right ways of losing weight are ____.A. diet and exerciseB. eating hamburgers and eating French friesC. not eating and exerciseD. diet and watching TV3.The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “control” is ____.A. 操纵者 B. 管理权 C. 控制 D. 管理4.Dongdong is a much too fat boy, he needs to ____.A. eat out often B. eat junk foodC. stop meals D. turn off the TV and exercise5.The best title of the passage is ____.A. Eating Out B. How to Control WeightC. Change Your Lifestyle D. Exercise Every Day
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