
Bicycles are very popular around the world today.People ride their bicycles for exercise and enjoyment.In some places,people use a bicycle to get to work.In other places,bicycle riding is a very popular exercise to people who live in cities.But who invented the first bicycle? In 1791,a Frenchman named Comte de Sivrac invented and owned the first bicycle.Mrs. Sivrac rode(骑)the bicycle in Paris.The handles(把手)and the seat were wooden.This bicycle was very difficult to move.A rider even had to pick up the front wheel to change direction.Finally,the bicycle 7.阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。     阳春三月,百花盛开。在众目睽睽的地方,没有人去摘花;而在没人注意的角落,就有人偷偷摘花,把公共资源占为已有。对此现象,人们展开了一场讨论。    甲:趁着没人注意就偷花,是缺乏“慎独”的表现,应该加强道德自律教育。    乙:如果在无人注意的角落安上摄像头,那也就没人敢摘花了,关键还在于加强监督。    丙:监督是有效的,但是不可能在所有地方都安上摄像头,那样社会成本太高了。社会运行的基础还是靠绝大多数人的“慎独”。   丁:监督必不可少,在重要地方一定要安装摄像头,使潜在偷花者无机可乘。   要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料内容及含意的范围作文,不要套作,不得抄袭。
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