
 Do you like children? Do you have free(空闲的)time in the afternoon? We need a babysitter(保姆)for our son. He’s five years old. The working time is Monday to Friday, 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.($5 an hour)We need help with: Looking after our son; Reading to him; Playing with him.You must work at our house. We live in Changchun, near the Culture Square(文化广场).Please call Mr. Green at 5638-2949.(   )56.From Monday to Friday, the babysitter can work            every day.         A. one hour   B. two hours C. three hours      D. four hours( 13.将下列句子组合成语意连贯、合乎逻辑的一段话,并将序号填入横线处。①有一些远虑,可以预见也可以余座筹划,不妨就预作筹划,以解除近忧。②不过,远虑是无穷尽的,必须适可而止。③有一些远虑,可以预见却无法余座筹划,那就暂且搁下吧,车到山前必有路,何必让它提前成为近忧。七彩教育网④总之,应该尽量少往自己心里搁忧虑,保持轻松和光明的心境,⑤还有一些远虑,完全不能预见,那就更不必总是怀着一种莫名之忧,自己折磨自己了。⑥中国人喜欢说:人无远虑,必有近忧。这固然不错。⑥②①③⑤④。
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