
In our town, there was no one else quite like my father. When any other man in town had an extra 1 , he bought a drink or other things. When 2 had an extra dollar, he bought a book. Other people had pictures on their walls, or at least a calendar. We had 3 , 3, 000 of them, lining every vertical surface of our home. Father was the most stubborn 4 I ever knew. Every summer he took a month off to attend classes in another town. In total, he 5 seven degrees and 6 11 different colleges and universities. My sister and I were the immediate beneficiaries of Father’s hunger for 7 . Every sp17.自古以来,我国就是一个多民族国家,恰当的民族政策促进了民族团结和国家统一。阅读材料,回到问题。材料一 (唐太宗打败东突厥,俘获其首领颉利可汗)大宗当面数明他的罪状后,还是授予官爵,赐给田宅,……对东突厥各部的首领,唐朝也给予优厚待遇,仍令他们管理旧部,朝廷里也大量任用突厥贵族为官。--摘自人教版《中国历史》七年级下册(1)材料一体现了唐朝怎样的民族政策?材料二 雍正皇帝成精明确指出:“从俗从宜”,“从安其俗”,强调了不应改变少数民族地区的行政制度、风俗习惯、社会组织和宗教信仰而进行统治。--余梓东《论清朝的民族政策》(2)据材料二,清朝加强对少数民族地区管辖所遵循的原则是什么?结合所学知识回答,历代清朝统治者是怎样管辖西藏的?材料三  民族区域自治是在国家统一领导下,各少数民族聚居的地方实行区域自治,设立自治机关,行使自治权,实行民族区域自治,体现了国家充分尊重和保障各少数民族管理本民族内部事务权利的精神,体现了国家坚持实行各民族平等、团结和共同繁荣的原则。--《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》(3)据材料三,新中国实行民族自治政策的前提和目的各是什么?
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