
Two-year-old Christopher Merrett has such severe food allergies that even the smell can send him into potentially deadly shock. Mrs.Merrett said she first  _________ something was wrong with her son when she stopped _________ him with breast milk at six months old and  _________ onto cows’ milk. She said her son spent three weeks in  _________after sitting in a supermarket trolley which had tiny traces of _________ in it.She said,“It looked  _________ .We put him there and with minutes his feet and hands had  _________ blue and we knew there was something extraordinar下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是    (    )A.傍晚的大山中空无一人,非常寂静,他感到恐慌,空谷足音格外地响,更增添了几分恐怖。B.在这所山村小学里,他一干就是三十年,全身心地扑在了学生身上。他常说:“要有下辈子,还当孩子王!”王老师的这种好为人师的精神深深地感动了那些纯朴的乡亲们。C.面对这位真正的公仆,他有点自惭形秽了。 D.科学无止境,现在自然界的许多问题科学仍然解决不了。科学不是无所不为,而是大有作为。但科学的跨越发展也需要一个积累的过程,厚积薄发。
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