
 某考察团考察了图3所示地区,读图完成5~7题。 5.图中所示各河流     A.主要补给水源是大气降水                        B.上游流量大于下游流量 C.流量季节变化小                              D.侵蚀作用强烈,含沙量大 6.制约图示区域城镇分布及城镇人 口规模的主导因素是             A.交通线分布及线路等级       B.地表形态及土地面积 C.热量条件及农作物产量   D.水资源分布及数量 7.图示用恰当的短语动词完成句子【1】As soon as he________, we shall begin our meeting.【2】I think I'll___________oil painting in my spare time.【3】You must_________at the airport an hour before your plane takes off.【4】Once you've given your word, don't try to_______________.【5】He_________________his plan although his friends advised him to give it up.【6】He was unable to_____________ what he really meant to the group.【7】We arrived at the platform just as the train was_____________.【8】The airport was foggy, but the plane succeeded in______________________ smoothly.【9】Nowadays, a lot of young people___________________surfing and jet-skiing.【10】The driver__________________when he came to the traffic lights.
地理 试题推荐