
阅读技能;判断题 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合的写“T”,不符合的写“F”。   School and homework; activities and chores; sleeping and eating. There are so many things to do in a single day!   Rachael feels that she never has enough time to practice playing her piano or play with her friends. Instead, she is always studying and doing her homework.   Megan, 12, never has time to talk with her friends or write in her diary!     Wouldn’t it all be easier if time was like a DVD player? Because you could slow down, speed up (有些国家的交通管理部门为了交通安全,特别制定了死亡加速度为500g(g=10 m/s2),以警醒世人,意思是如果行车加速度超过此值,将有生命危险,那么大的加速度,一般情况下车辆是达不到的,但如果发生交通事故时,将会达到这一数值.试问:(1)一辆以72 km/h的速度行驶的汽车在一次事故中撞向停在路上的大货车上,设大货车没有被撞动,汽车与大货车的碰撞时间为2.0×10-3 s,汽车驾驶员是否有生命危险?(2)若汽车内装有安全气囊,缓冲时间为1×10-2 s,汽车驾驶员是否有生命危险?
英语 试题推荐