
中国共.产.党从南昌起义、秋收起义中得出的最突出的教训是A.必须把工作重点从城市转移到农村                 B.必须建立人民政权C.必须武装反抗国民党的反动统治                    D.必须建立一支新型的人民军队 答案:CDear Linda,How are you? My name is Liu Mei. I’m a middle school student. My best friend is Anna. She is an English girl. (A) She often (经常) helps me with my English. At school my favorite subject is music. I can sing well. I love my music teacher. She is like a sister to me. My parents are teachers in a middle school. My father is a math teacher and my mother is a Chinese teacher. I have a brother. (B) 他和我在同一所学校。He likes math. He thinks it is very interesting. I get up at six o’clock every morning. I have classes from Monday to Friday. On weekends I usually go to the sports club to play tennis with my friends. What do you usually do every day? What do you like doing? Please write and tell me about that.Yours,Liu Mei根据信件内容,完成下面的任务。1.用正确的单词完成句子。There are _______________ people in Liu Mei’s family.2.将文中划线句子(A) 翻译成汉语。________________________________________________3.将文中划线句子(B)翻译成英语。________________________________________________回答下面的问题。4.Who’s Anna?__________________________________________________5.What time does Liu Mei get up in the morning? _________________________________________________
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