
A teenage girl couldn’t stand(忍受)her family rules, so she left home.She wanted to be a star and became famous. But she had a little education and    41   years later, she had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still ___42___ her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, she    43   a big photo of her daughter on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes, “I still love you …Come back home!”One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. She was so surprised 文学文化常识。(2分) 《史记》是     编写的一部纪传体通史,《资治通鉴》是司马光主持编纂的一部       体通史。
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