
从方框中选择适当的词完成短文。 think,shops,  take,  because,  many,  other,  a lot,  popular, find,  and.      In England, people like eating fish and chips very much. They usually buy them in fish and chip __70__. They put them in paper bags, and __71__them home, or to their work place. But in __72__ countries, people like American fast food __73__. In many cities like Moscow, Pairs__74__ even big cities in China, you can __75__ people eating hamburgers. Chinese food is also very __76__ in the world. In __77__ big cities you can find Chinese restaurants. Peop阅读下面选段,根据原著故事情节,回答问题。(任选一题)(5分)(1)时庞羲探知张鲁欲兴兵取川,急报知刘璋。璋平生懦弱,闻得此信,心中大悦,急聚众官商议。忽一人昂然而出曰:“主公放心,某虽不才,凭三寸不烂之舌,使张鲁不敢正眼来觑西川。”正当刘璋束手无策之际,谁自告奋勇前去许都?他去许都干什么,结果如何?请简述事情的经过。(2)孔明曰:“恐魏兵袭其后也。主上若有失,当投白帝城避之,吾入川时,已伏下十万兵在鱼腹浦矣。”陆逊追到“鱼腹浦”时遇见诸葛亮布下的什么阵?结果如何?请简述。
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