
— Tom, what a pity! I almost succeeded yesterday.    —_______. I told you to be careful before. A. One false step will make a great difference        B. Where there’s life, there’s hope C. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today  D. One tree does not make a forest 答案:A古诗文名句默写。(6分)小题1:生活里有“过尽千帆皆不是,        ”的相思,也有“      ,赢得生前身后名”的激情与壮志。小题2:范仲淹在《渔家傲·秋思》中以“         ,         ”写出了戍边征夫思乡与报国的心里矛盾。小题3:李清照《武陵春》中“         ,         ”这两句化抽象为具体,写尽忧愁之沉重。
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