
A little boy stood right outside the entrance, in the freezing spring wind, collecting donations for cancer research. Nose red, hat deep over his ears, he warmed one hand in his pocket and held a list with the other hand. I noticed he had no gloves. I checked my purse, but had no coins. It is a principle of mine to always give money to cancer research --- I have lost dear friends and family members to the disease. “I’ll bring you some money when I come back,” I promised the young boy. “Thank you!” he smiled. I asked him to come inside the mall but he refused, explaining that 猜字谜。 ①山东省有雨。(  ) ②屈指行程二万。(  ) ③看看三横四直,其实一点不直。(  ) ④重逢。(  )
英语 试题推荐