
 “Everyone's initial reaction was just: 'What?' They thought I was mad,” said Kate Brady on how people responded when she told them she was donating a kidney to a stranger. But Kate held a firm desire to benefit someone else and donated her kidney to a man through a London hospital. This type of donation is not available in Ireland but is available in other countries such as the UK (since 2006) and the US. Kate, who is 32 and from Brittas, Co Dublin, had long been a blood donor (捐献者), but the thought of donating a kidney came from the film Seven Pounds. Will Smith's charac人体缺乏维生素C(简写Vc)会患坏血病。右下图所示为某种“维生素C”说明书的一部分,请回答(1)Vc中C、H、O三种元素的质量比是  ▲  ;(2)若正常成人每天对Vc的最低需要量为60mg。①当这些Vc完全来自右图的“维生素C”时,则每次服用“维生素C”至少  ▲  片;②当这些Vc完全来自某种新鲜蔬菜(每1000g这种蔬菜含Vc 120mg)时,每天至少应食用这种蔬菜  ▲  g;③维生素C又名抗坏血酸,其水溶液能使紫色石蕊试液变 ▲ 色。
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