
20.在下面一段文字横线处补写恰当的语句,使整段文字语意完整连贯,内容贴切,逻辑严密。每处不超过15个字。 “字”是我们工作及生活中必不可少的部分,那么,①         ?关于汉字的起源,一直是我国学者研究的对象,②           ,直到最近几十年,我国考古学家才先后发布了一系列“安阳殷墟甲骨文”及与汉字起源有关的出土资料。资料显示,我国最早的汉字可追溯到原始社会晚期及人类社会早期在陶器上面刻画或彩绘出的符D) 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。(选做题) We want to have a concert at seven this Saturday evening. Our teachers and our classmates will take part in it. And two good musicians (音乐家) will also come to our concert for our rock band. In our rock band (摇滚乐队) ,there are five students. They are Alice,Ann,Beth,Tom and Mary. Alice plays the piano. Ann plays the guitar.巳eth plays the drum. Tom plays the trumpet (小号) and Mary plays the violin. All of them have talent shows. Lily sings the best in our school. She will sing some new songs. Lucy and Linda can dance well and they can bring us the beautiful dance. Mr Liu,our Chinese teacher likes Beijing opera very much. He will sing Sha Jia Bang for us. The two musicians will sing the Italian song The Sun in My Heart. Our school dance team can give us the exciting and modem show—77 Youth Melody (《青春的旋律》) .) l. The students want to have a at seven this Saturday evening.   A. meeting   B. party   C. concert2. There are students in the school rock band.   A. two   B. four   C. five) 3. In the school rock band plays the drum.   A. Beth   B. Tom   C. Mary4. like (s) Beijing opera and want(s) to sing it.A The English teacher   B. The Chinese teacher   C. The two musicians) 5. The Youth Melody is a (n)   .   A. song   B. opera   C. dance
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