
当全球金融危机来临时,许多企业订单减少、产品价格下降。面对“严冬”,大量企业首先选择缩减生产,降低成本,“熬”过冬天,等待“春天”的来临。更有一部分企业坚持不裁员或少裁员,选择“冬泳”,推进产业的转型升级和换代,增加市场竞争力强的产品的研发,努力开拓市场,奠定了未来发展的坚实基础,甚至实现逆势成长。 (1)请指出面对困境,企业首先选择“缩减生产”、“降低成本”的经济道理。 (2)请对企业“坚持不裁员或少裁员Which of the following is right? [  ] A.So far the wages of the workers have been increased for 30%. B.His suggestion is that no one is allowed smoking in the office. C.Wearing just a flower to the party is said I'm poor. I haven't got any jewellery. D.The chances are that sixty students in one hundred will go to colleges and universities.
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