
下列句子中的标点符号使用有误的一项是 (    ) A.按规定程序,日本代表应该随即取了他们那一份投降书离场(另一份由盟国保存),但是他们还是站在那里。 B.我猛然一震,“九一八”!一九三一年九月十八日日寇制造沈阳事件,随即侵占东北;一九三三年又强迫我们和伪满通车,从关外开往北平的列车,到站时间也正好是九点十八分。 C.20世纪60年代,美国“阿波罗”载人登月计划的实施,使美国产生了液体火箭、合成材料和计算机等一大批高That day I was later for school, so Mom offered me a   36 . I sat beside her in our car, daydreaming about my  37 . I’d be graduating from high school in a few months. I’d leave high school behind and do whatever I wanted. What  38 I do? Go to college? Or get a job in an office where I could  39 my way up?Mom interrupted my thoughts.“Kassandra, do you  40  that?’’She asked just as we were  41  the railroad tracks. She stopped the car on the other side and   42  the window. “It looks like a child.’’  43 ,I saw a small boy walking by himeself. The warning lights on the train tracks flashed  44 .The boy stayed where he was right in the middle of the   45 .The whistle sounded. There’s no  46  that train can stop in time!The boy jumped up and down and   47  at the engineer.I took off running. My shoes flopped(松动) against my feet as I   48 , so I kicked them off. I ran faster. Stones crunched(发出刺耳的碎裂声) and flew under my   49  feet. The ground shook. God, let me get to him! The train was almost on top of him. I   50 the boy in my arms. Keep running! But something   51  me. I fell backward, away from the train. I pulled the boy with me onto safe ground. The train barreled(高速行驶)past. The noise was  52 . The wheels were so close that I could have reached out and touched one. Once the train was out of  53 , I stood up. Mom ran up and hugged me. “Kassandra, I didn’t think you were going to  54 it !’’ I got ready for bed that night  55 looking forward to school the next day. I wanted to enjoy every moment in life.小题1:A.helpB.favorC.handD.ride小题2:A.loveB.futureC.jobD.university小题3:A.wouldB.shouldC.couldD.might小题4:A.walkB.struggleC.feelD.work小题5:A.seeB.hearC.watchD.find小题6:A.passingB.repairingC.crossingD.building小题7:A.brought downB.rolled outC.pointed outD.looked out小题8:A.At lengthB.Frankly speakingC.After allD.Sure enough小题9:A.redB.yellowC.greenD.black小题10:A.streetsB.trainC.tracksD.roads小题11:A.possibilityB.problemC.wayD.doubt小题12:A.shotB.wavedC.shoutedD.laughed小题13:A.ranB.droveC.thoughtD.walked小题14:A.bigB.bareC.fastD.quick小题15:A.drewB.heldC.ledD.caught小题16:A.attractedB.knockedC.struckD.pushed小题17:A.deafeningB.soundingC.excitingD.loud小题18:A.fashionB.mindC.sightD.date小题19:A.fetchB.doC.makeD.get小题20:A.thusB.alreadyC.neverD.still
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