
Though you are a teenager now, there will finally come a time when you start to earn  (赚) money. While it may be fun to have your own money to spend, it can also be difficult trying to manage it properly. Here are some tips on how to manage your money.Use your money wiselyMost teenagers earn money for everyday use, or because they are saving up for something. So when they receive their money, they must first decide what they want to do with it. However, try to avoid the temptation (诱惑) to spend it all in one go (一口气)!  Remember: Money takes a long time to earn, but it goes very q把词语补充完整,再用线把与之相对应的解释连起来。(  )(  )待哺 比喻人的才能全部显露出来。要(   )好胜  饥饿时急于求食的样子。脱(   )而出  指工作或学习勤奋不知疲倦。孜孜不(   )  事事不甘落后,愿意为了成功而付出努力。
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