
Now I can see that it is normal that people feel a little embarrassed to accept unexpected help from a stranger. Yesterday after 1 tried to pay for the person behind me at Starbucks, I was rejected. 21. I decided to take a different   22   to it today. 1 did something that absolutely could not be rejected, and probably won't even be __23_ for another few hours. About once a week, 1 go and get a   24   at Starbucks (otherwise, I made it on my own to save money), I usually   25   with a credit card, or my Starbucks card, which means that I, like many others, don't get any  3.精子和卵细胞产生后的繁殖过程的正确顺序是(  )①受精    ②胚泡埋入子宫内膜    ③受精卵    ④排卵.A.①②③④B.④③②①C.④①③②D.④②①③
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