
(1)于是轮到涂色料的工作了,他们管这个工作叫点蓝。涂上的色料有好些种,不只是一种蓝色料,为什么单叫做点蓝呢?原来这种制作方法开头的时候多用蓝色料,当时叫点蓝,就此叫开了(我们苏州管银器上涂色料叫发蓝,大概是同样的理由)。这种制品从明朝景泰年问(15世纪中叶)开始流行,因而总名叫景泰蓝。(2)……(3)他们把那些硬片放在铁臼里捣碎研细,筛成细末应用。细末里头不免掺和着铁臼上磨下来的铁屑,他们利用吸铁石除掉它。要是吸得As the new term begins, our shop has many kinds of school things on sale. Here are just some of them.School thingsPrice(yuan)Discount(折扣)A pen59 yuan for two pensA pencil23 yuan for two pencilsA ruler2.54 yuan for two rulersAn eraser23 yuan for two erasersA notebook(笔记本)47 yuan for two notebooksOur shop also has a lot of useful books on sale. You can come and buy what you need. Our shop is on the second floor of Shopping Centre. The shop is open from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm every day.根据以上内容,选择最佳答案。1.What’s the price of a pen?A. 4.5 yuan. B. 5 yuan.C. 7 yuan. D. 9 yuan.2. and have the same price.A. Pencils; rulersB. Rulers; erasersC. Erasers; notebooksD. Pencils; erasers3.If Lucy wants to buy two pencils and one notebook, she should pay yuan.A. five B. sixC. seven D. eight4.You can save yuan if you buy two rulers at a time.A. one B. twoC. five D. four5.Which of the following is NOT true?A. Four kinds of school things are on sale in the shop.B. The shop also sells lots of books.C. The shop is in the Shopping Centre.D. The shop opens for ten hours a day.
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