
The moon looks bigger than stars at night. But in fact, it is smaller than them. The moon looks big to us, because it is nearer to us than stars. The moon goes around the earth. The moon is like a ball and looks beautiful. Don’t you think so? Now people know quite a lot about the moon. There is no air(空气) or water on the moon, so there are not any trees or animals, or people on the moon. The moon gets its light from the sun, but some places on the moon are quite dark(黑暗的). The days on the moon get hotter than boiling(沸腾的) water. The nights get colder than those in North在MH370失联后,由东海舰队导弹驱逐舰长春舰、导弹护卫舰常州舰和综合补给舰巢湖舰组成的中国第17批护航编队参与了搜救工作。(1)当军舰在平静的水面上航行时,它所受的浮力__它的总重力(选填“大于”、“等于”或 “小于”)。(2)当军舰上舰载飞机起飞后,军舰舱底受到海水的压强__(选填“增大”、“减小”或“不变”)。
英语 试题推荐