
News Review        APEC Blue   People in Beijing got the saying after the APEC meeting in Beijing. It refers to(指) the clear blue sky during the meeting. To get such a blue sky, many factories in Beijing and nearby cities stopped work, and the number of cars on the road was cut.        A Warning Ticket   A 24-year-old woman in Nanjing was given a warning ticket for eating food on the subway. Eating is not allowed on Nanjing subway. Up to now, 2,698 people have been punished(惩罚) because of their eating, smoking or selling goods on the subway.        A Teache20.鹿是山林中常见的动物,也是山林中的弱者.鹿的警惕性很高,在安全的环境中,鹿的尾巴总是不停地摆动;当鹿看见“敌人”时,鹿的尾巴垂直不动,周围的鹿见此信号时,立即警觉起来,向四周眺望;一旦狼来了,鹿拔腿就跑,尾巴向上竖起,显示出自己肛门后盾,其它鹿见到肛门后盾的信号后立即跟着就跑.(1)上述过程从行为目的来看,属于鹿的防御行为,这种行为是鹿对生存环境的适应性表现.(2)从行为获得的途径来看,这种行为属于先天性行为,它是由鹿体内的遗传物质控制的.(3)鹿的行为是神经系统和激素协调作用的结果.(4)当鹿看见“敌人”时,鹿的尾巴垂直不动,周围的鹿见此信号时,立即警觉起来,这种现象叫作通讯.
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