
历朝历代,许多仁人志士都具有强烈的忧国忧民思想,这种可贵的精神,使中华民族历经劫难而不衰。爱国的内容十分广泛,热爱祖国的山河,热爱民族的历史,关心祖国的命运,在危难之时英勇战斗,为祖国捐躯,都是爱国主义的表现。下列对爱国主义认识正确的是(    ) ①中华民族精神以爱国主义为核心 ②爱国主义集中表现为英勇战斗、为国捐躯 ③爱祖国与爱社会主义从本质上讲是一致的 ④爱国主义不是抽象的,而是具体的 A.①②      24、Parents are the closest people to you in the world.They love you just because you are you.And they would do anything for you.     Like a lot of middle school students,ZhuangShuxia has a problem.She and her parents don’t get on well.     “I really want to be my Daddy’s little girl.But it feels like he just doesn’t understand.He talks at me and doesn’t listen,”said Zhuang,a Junior 3 student     Do you and your parents also have problems?     Well, why don’t you all take a walk and have a talk on Saturday? It’s the International(国际的) Day of Families.On May l5,people around the world give thanks for good things about their families and work on family problems.     A study last year showed that l,500 Beijing families had the same problem as Zhuang’s family:The children,12 to 15 years old,didn’t like talking with their parents much.They weren’t happy at home.     Of course,lots of kids feel that way.But you and your parents will be much happier if you can be friends.Here are some ways to have a good talk with them:     Find a good time to talk,like when you’re eating dinner, going out for a walk or watching TV.    Tell them something you’re interested in,or ask them about their lives when they were young.They love to talk about it.    Listen to them carefully,and look them in the eye.    Be honest(诚实的).Your parents will trust(信任)you more.And a trusting family is a happy family. 1. Who are the closest people to us according to the writer of this passage? A. The people who love us.           B. The people who understand us. C. Our father and mother.           D. All the family members. 2. What is Zhuang Shuxia's problem?      A. Her father thinks she is old enough.      B. Her father doesn't like to talk with her.      C. She really wants to be a little girl again.      D. She and her father don't understand each other well. 3. What does the writer suggest (建议) the students do on the International Day of Families?      A. They should remember the special day for the families in the world.      B. They should take a walk and have a talk with their parents.      C. They should do something to celebrate the International Day of Families.      D. They should help others to solve their family problems. 4. How does the writer know 1,500 families had the same problem as Zhuang's family?      A. From a study made in Beijing.      B. From reports about family problems.      C. From discussions with parents and their children.      D. From a report on the International Day of Families. 5. In this passage the writer tells the children,12 to 15 years old,                 A. how to show their thanks to their parents      B. how to make friends with their parents      C. how to feel happier at home in different ways      D. how to win their parents' trust by listening to their parents 评卷人 得分 七、阅读填空 (每空? 分,共? 分)
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