
下列词语中加线字的读音完全不相同的一组是() A.禅让 阐明 嬗变 煽风点火 潸然泪下 B.庇荫 纰漏 毗连 筚路蓝缕 蚍蜉撼树 C.侍奉 对峙 吞噬 恃才傲物 舐犊情深 D.湍流 祥瑞 揣摩 惴惴不安 气喘吁吁   答案:D  A项“禅”和“擅”均读“shàn”,“煽”和“潸”均读“shān”,“阐”读“chǎn”;B项“庇”“筚”均读“bì”,“纰”读“pī”,“毗”“蚍”均读“pí”;C此项“侍”“噬”“恃”“舐”均读“shì”,“峙”读“zhì”;D项“湍”读“tuān”,“瑞”读“ruì”,“揣”读“chuǎi”,“惴”读根据课文内容, 完成下列句子,每空词数不限。                                                                    Liz Smith     Liz Smith faces many challenges in her daily life because she is a (1) _________ person. Liz  Smith can't use her (2) _________ well, so normal things have always been difficult for her. Liz  Smith  loves (3) _________ and she'd love to have a dog. Liz Smith is able to have a "dog-helper" because of Miss Li's (4) _________. Liz Smith will send (5) _________ if Miss Li likes.
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