
p{font-size:10.5pt;line-height:150%;margin:0;padding:0;}td{font-size:10.5pt;}   (08年石室中学一模)(18分)如图所示,质量的靶盒A位于光滑水平导轨上,开始时静止在点,在点右侧的范围足够大的“相互作用区域”,如图中画虚线部分,当靶盒A进入相互作用区时便受到指向点的恒力的作用,P处有一固定的发射器B,它可以根据需要瞄准靶盒每次发射一颗水平速度,质量的子弹,当子弹打入靶盒A后,便留在盒内,碰撞时间极短,假设每当靶盒A停在或到达点时,都有一 Louise was 72 years old and she lived by herself. The first thing she noticed when she came downstairs that Sunday morning was that her __36____ window was open. In fact, it was so wide open that she had ___37___ closing it. Then she realized that things were not in their proper __38____. Finally, when she found her empty ___39___ on the kitchen table, she realized the awful __40____. At first, she didn’t know what to do. Then she decided to ___41___ her son, Derek. Derek’s wife Sybil answered the phone, “It’s your mother,” she _42___him, coldly. Louise told Derek about the open window, about things being in the wrong places and about the ____43__ missing from her purse. “ All right,” said Derek, “Don’t __44___ anything. I’ll be __45___ in half an hour. Louise ___46__ and made herself a pot of tea and some toast. Then she went from room to room wondering __47___ anything else was missing. When Derek arrived, he was content to __48___ her looking so calm. “Have you rung the ___49___?”he asked. “No? Then I’ll do that straight away.” So he rang the police. As it was Sunday,__50____ the only detectives were out. However, the police were polite, but vague(含糊的) . “ We’ll send __51__ round as soon as possible.” They said. Derek telephoned his wife. “I’m not sure when I’ll be home, love,” he told her. “I’ve got to ___52__ for the police.” While Derek and his mother waited, Derek _53___ the catches (挂钩) on the windows and locks on the doors. All of them were old and some of the catches hardly__54___ at all. Derek felt __55___. His mother was an old woman, after all. “I’ll have to change all these.” he told her. 1. A.washroom B.bedroom C.kitchen D.bathroom 2. A.strength B.puzzle C.reason D.trouble 3. A.positions B.places C.directions D.situations 4. A.purse B.vase C.pot D.envelope 5. A.mistake B.message C.truth D.news 6. A.visit B.ask C.ring D.punish 7. A.invited B.informed C.stated D.scolded 8. A.note B.coin C.money D.bill 9. A.say B.move C.touch D.prepare 10. A.here B.round C.off D.away 11. A.sighed B.relaxed C.whispered D.hurried 12. A.if B.why C.how D.where 13. A.realize B.find C.know D.sense 14. A.police B.neighbour C.hospital D.friend 15. A.generally B.luckily C.considerably D.unfortunately 16. A.anyone B.someone C.everyone D.none 17. A.hope B.ask C.wait D.call 18. A.examined B.repaired C.fixed D.tested 19. A.locked B.opened C.helped D.worked 20. A.excited B.silly C.worried D.Guilty
物理 试题推荐