
口语交际 (1)现代社会,上网已经成为生活中的重要内容。许多人都有一个新颖独特的网名,如“追梦少年”、“诗坛雏燕”、“醉里挑灯看剑”等。它们或寄托理想,或凸显个性,既生动形象,又好懂易记,让人过目难忘。 请你为自己另行设计一个具有个性特征和积极意义的中文网名(不少于四个字),并将你的命名缘由写在下面。 我的网名:_______________  命名缘由:________________________________________                                 单句填空【1】In the market, vegetables are sold by ________ kilogram. I mean, by weight.【2】We were about to set off ________ it suddenly began to rain.【3】The two ladies are ____ the same age.【4】Mr. Smith ________ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether he has finished it.【5】Time ________ (permit), we’ll go to visit the Great Wall on National Day.【6】It will certainly be of great help to Tom, if there is a good environment, enough books and ______ (equip), as well as instruction from his teachers and friends.【7】Our present technology makes ________ possible for nations to develop new resources.【8】He had no choice but ________ (wait).【9】Lincoln said, “ Give me six hours to chop down a tree, _______ I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe(斧头).【10】_______Amy didn’t know was that her kindness would set off a chain reaction.
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