
One day Mr. Jackson took Paul to his favorite restaurant.It was a French restaurant.The waiter was from France.But he didn’t speak to them in French.“Would you like to see the menu?”he asked in a kind way.“Yes,please,”Mr. Jackson said. The waiter gave them a menu each.They studied them.  “You can spend only twenty—five dollars.”Mr. Jackson told his son.The waiter asked Paul,“What would you like,young man?” “How much is the tomato soup?”Paul asked. “Six dollars.”the waiter said.“It’s very good.” “How much is the duck with 设命题p:关于x的不等式2x-3a≤0在区间(-4,1)上恒成立;命题q:函数y=3 x2-ax+1在区间(1,+∞)上是增函数.若命题p或q为真命题,p且q为假命题,求a的取值范围.
英语 试题推荐