
科学家提取植物叶绿体研究光合作用的过程中,将叶绿体膜打破,分别分离出基质与基粒进行实验。下列对不同实验结论的描述申,错误的是    A.在有光照和二氧化碳的条件下,基质和基粒的混合液能产生葡萄糖    B.在无二氧化碳的条件下,对基质与基粒的混合液给予光照,然后离心去掉基粒,为基质提供二氧化碳,基质中会有葡萄糖产生    C.黑暗条件下,为基质提供ATP、[H]和二氧化碳,基质中会有葡萄糖产生    D.光照条件下,为基粒提供二氧20.Dear Brad,I am a fourteen years old girl.I have many dreams.I will study in high school.I dream of studying in my favorite school,but my mother wants me to study in her favorite school.I also dream of writing an English storybook of my life when I grow up.I want to be a person who writes stories.I want to share my joys and sorrow(懊丧) with other people.That's one of my biggest dreams.But my parents don't agree with me.They want me to be a teacher or a translator(翻译者).These things make me very sad.Can you tell me what can I do next?                                                                AliceHi Alice,Thanks for a very interesting letter.We all have dreams and I think we need our dreams because they give us something to reach for and to work for.When you are fourteen years old,it is difficult to decide what you want to do with your life.But I think your mother is being practical when she says you should think about being a teacher or a translator.She knows that you will need a job to make money so that you will be able to pay for the things you will need after you leave home.However,there is no reason that you can't do two things.Get a job of some kind,you can make the money you will need,and you can write your storybook in your spare time.If it is good enough and people want to buy it,you will have both the money from your job and the money from your book.If no one buys it,you still have your job and you will have performed your dream of writing your storybook.Either way,you will be keeping your mother happy and you will be living your dream.These are the kinds of decisions we all face in life.I hope you will think of these things and please let me know what you decide to do.Best wishes,                                                Brad38.Alice's dream is to beA when she grows up.A.an English writer           B.an English translatorC.an English teacher              D.an English speaker39.Brad explains to Alice that she will need a job to make money in order toD.A.stop doing daydreaming          B.study in her favorite schoolC.be able to pay for her writing      D.be able to afford the things she will need40.Which of the following is true according to Brad's email?BA.Brad thinks Alice's dream will surely come true.B.Brad advises Alice to find a job first when she grows up.C.Alice has written her storybook in her spare time.D.Alice think people will certainly buy Alice's storybook.41.The two letters mainly tells us aboutD.A.Brad's story in life                   B.Brad's conversation with AliceC.Alice's dream of writing her storybook   D.Alice's dreams and the practical problems.
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