
    There's a huge power in knowing how to make adjustments in life. In fact, it's possible to turn failure into success by making the right adjustments.   36   And on the other hand we call people who refuse or neglect to make adjustments sad, frustrated or confused.       37   The 3 C's are changes, challenges and choices. The person who handles the 3 C's the best we call happy and well adjusted.     Here are 3 simple but powerful tips to help you make effective life adjustments when faced with the 3 C's or changes, challenges and choices.     Learn to think with y某些遗传病具有家族性遗传的特征,非家族成员一般也非携带者。下图4—28为 “定位克隆法”示意图,通过对家系分析将与某种疾病相关的基因定位在某一染色体的特定部位。(表示氨基酸的三字母符号:Met——甲硫氨酸;Val——缬氨酸;Ser——丝氨酸;Leu——亮氨酸;Gln——谷氨酰胺;Pro——脯氨酸;Cys——赖氨酸)请据图回答问题: (1)基因的本质是___________________。通过连锁分析定位,该遗传家系的遗传病致病基 因最可能在_________染色体上。致病基因及等位基因用A或a表示,则患者的基因型多为 _________。若此病为隐性遗传病,且在人群中的发病率为四万分之一,则人群中某个体为 携带者的几率约是_______________________。  (2)当初步确定致病基因的位置后,需要对基因进行克隆即复制,基因克隆的原料是 ____________________,基因克隆必需的酶是____________________________。  (3)DNA测序是对候选基因的_________________进行检测。检测结果发现是基因位点发生 了由_________              ______的改变。
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