
Pablo Picasso was    61    Spanish painter, writer, and poet. He was born in 1881 and died in 1973.     62    he was born in Spain, he spent most of his adult life in France. He was one of the greatest and most influential    63    (art) of the 20th century, and is known for founding the Cubist movement of abstract painting.   64    his early years, Picasso demonstrated extraordinary artist talent. He began painting in a    65   (real)style, but as he got older, he started to experiment with different techniques and ideas. Two of the most famous periods in “勤政爱民则国兴,暴政腐败则国亡”,这是历史发展历程给我们的重要启示。下列夏、商、西周的国君中,有一个国君与其他不一样,这个国君是A. 夏桀 B. 商纣 C. 周武王 D. 周幽王
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