
Net Smartz advises using the following Internet Safety Pledge(誓言)to make sure of kids' safety on the Internet.Here is the safety pledge for middle and high school students... I will set up some rules of going online with my parents,including the time of the day I may be online,the length of time I may be online and whom I may communicate with.___16___ I will keep my identity secret from people online.I will never give away personal information such as my full name,my mailing address,my telephone number,the name of my school,or may other information that could help someone know下列句中加粗的词语与所给例句用法和意义相同的一项是例:躬自厚而薄责于人A.杀鸡为黍而食之B.斯人也而有斯疾也C.必不得已而去D.父子莞尔而笑
英语 试题推荐