
对联具有记载历史的功能,是时代的见证。“宣传民主维新,倡西学,发展资本主义;批判专制守旧,兴民权,实行君主立宪。”此对联反映的历史事件是 A.洋务运动          B.戊戌变法           C.五四运动           D.新文化运动 答案:BⅧ.用适当的句子补全对话A: Excuse me. 【1】 ?B: Sure. Go along this street, walk about three blocks, and turn right onto Green Street. You’ll see a restaurant. The drugstore is just across from it.A: 【2】?B: About twenty-five minutes’ walk.A: Can I take a bus?B: Yes. 【3】 .A: The No.3 bus, I see. 【4】?B: Oh, the bus stop is on the other side of the street.A: 【5】.B: You are welcome.
历史 试题推荐