
 “My wallet!Where is it?”were my first words when I found out my wallet was lost.I searched my memory for a few good seconds,and then       that I had left my precious wallet in the library.To be        ,it was in the public toilet of the library!        the library was then closed,I had to wait until the next morning to begin my         .When I got there early the next day,all I found was a       bathroom. At that time,all I could       was that the person who cleaned the restroom had       my wallet.So I     [化学--选修5:有机化学基础]氰基丙烯酸酯在碱性条件下能快速聚合为,从而具有胶黏性,某种氰基丙烯酸酯(G)的合成路线如下:已知:①A的相对分子量为58,氧元素质量分数为0.276,核磁共振氢谱显示为单峰②回答下列问题:(1)A的化学名称为_______。(2)B的结构简式为______,其核磁共振氢谱显示为______组峰,峰面积比为______。(3)由C生成D的反应类型为________。(4)由D生成E的化学方程式为___________。(5)G中的官能团有___、 ____ 、_____。(填官能团名称)(6)G的同分异构体中,与G具有相同官能团且能发生银镜反应的共有_____种。(不含立体异构)
英语 试题推荐